See how your current or future mission agency compares.

Is your mission agency corporate-driven (top-down strategy/focus)?

“Ripe for Harvest is a Field Driven Ministry meaning that we allow the missionary the freedom to follow God’s leading in their ministry focus. Typically, most ministries are Corporate Driven which means that within the organization, the leadership at the top sets the ministry direction for the missionaries to follow. Our model is just the opposite as we allow the missionary the freedom to follow God’s leading wherever and whatever that may be.”

Does your organization give you the freedom to choose your ministry location?

“Ripe for Harvest allows you to follow God’s leading wherever that may be and however you choose to reach that particular people group. When the Lord has placed a particular country and people group on your heart, the role of Ripe For Harvest World Outreach is to help you answer that specific call.”

Does your organization give you the freedom to take a furlough when needed?

“Ripe for Harvest allows you to take a furlough when you need a time away for spiritual renewal, meeting with current or potential ministry partners or just spending time with loved ones.”

Does your organization allow you to suggest where and what ministry you feel best uses your gifting?

“Ripe for Harvest not only allows you to follow God’s gifting in your lives but when God directs you in a different way, you have the freedom adjust and change.”

Does your organization allow the spouse the freedom to work outside your organization?

“Yes, Ripe for Harvest has spouses working outside our organization.”

Does your organization requires psychological testing to help determine my application?

“Ripe for Harvest does not use secular psychological testing within the application process or any other process.”

Does your organization assess the funds you raise between 10 to 12% and sometimes lower?

“Ripe for Harvest would like our assessment to be at 0%, but we want to do our best to serve you and your ministry partners at the level that most larger agencies do. Therefore, we assess 12% for monies raised to $79,000. At or above $80,000, we drop the assessment down to 10%. In addition, if you invest in Envoy Financial (the faith-based financial organization RFH has chosen to use) for your retirement, we will contribute up to 3% of your monthly salary into your Envoy account! This, theoretically, will bring down the total assessment on the funds you raise.”

Does your organization allow single parents?

“Ripe for Harvest desires to honor all applicants who desire to join our staff. We understand single parenting comes with unique challenges, which need to be considered. Through the application process, we will consider the context of each situation in light of the whole story of each person.”

Does your organization allow you to determine when you want to retire?

“Ripe for Harvest has no set retirement age. You may serve God and others for as long as you can!”

Does your organization give you the freedom to take a break from ministry when you need it?

“Ripe for Harvest allows you to take a break when you need a time away for spiritual renewal.”

Does your organization give you the freedom to choose or not to choose a retirement plan?

“Ripe for Harvest allows you the freedom to make your choice for your retirement income. We strongly encourage our staff to set up and contribute to a retirement plan. In fact, if you contribute within Envoy Financial, we will contribute to your plan.”

Does your organization pay your salary during furlough, vacations, and holidays?

“Ripe for Harvest will continue to pay your salary (as long as the funds in your account are sufficient) during your time away from your focus in ministry.”

Does your organization allow you to choose to further your education/training while with your organization?

“Ripe for Harvest knows how important it is to maintain a learning posture. Therefore, we give you the freedom to further your education/training. In addition, we understand that maintaining a learning posture benefits your ability to minister to others and naturally benefits them!”

Does your organization requires psychological testing helps determine my placement?

“Ripe for Harvest does not use secular psychological testing.”

Does your organization pay for you to attend the finest support raising training in missions?

“Support raising is seen as difficult, a chore, and sometimes keeps people from going into full-time ministry. Therefore, Ripe for Harvest will give you the opportunity to attend, in our opinion, one of the finest support raising training that is available. Of course, some stipulations exist, but we know how important it is to help our staff raise their full support.”

Does your organization allow you to speak directly to the president or vice president?

“Our president and vice president are available to talk! In fact, during the application process, the vice president is involved in the process, and the president will give you a call to introduce himself and answer any questions you may have.”

Does your organization contribute to your retirement plan?

If you choose to invest in Envoy Financial for your retirement, Ripe for Harvest will contribute up to 3% of your monthly salary into your Envoy retirement account!

Is your organization’s application process completed online within a few weeks?

“Ripe for Harvest has made the application process as simple and streamlined as possible. 99% of the time, we will respond to your application process within 24hrs. Throughout the process, we will keep in contact with you to help move the process along as quickly as possible.”

Is your organization affiliated and accountable to the ECFA. 

“Ripe for Harvest is affiliated and accountable to the ECFA. You may check us out by going to their website and typing our name. Also, our accountability does not stop there; our Board of Directors meets regularly to ensure everything is handled properly and you and your ministry partners are served in the best way possible.”

Does the leadership at your organization evaluate your effectiveness in ministry?

Ripe for Harvest has Regional Field Directors will connect with you regularly online or in person not to evaluate your ministry focus but to validate how God is working in and through you. If you want advice or recommendations in any area, we would be happy to help and come alongside you if needed.”

Does your organization give you have the freedom to change your ministry location?

“Ripe for Harvest gives you the freedom to follow God’s leading wherever that may be. More than likely, you are coming from a corporate (top-down) ministry; our field-driven (bottom-up) DNA within Ripe for Harvest will not change as to the freedom we give you.”

Does your organization require you to raise a certain amount of funds before being released to the field?

“Ripe for Harvest understands that one of the main reasons missionaries leave the field is lack of support. We pay to have you trained at one of the best companies that do this and assign you to our New Staff Facilitator/Coach to help you through your ministry partner development. We allow you to fill out your budget, and we then work with you and mutually come to an agreement as to your financial needs. We don’t have set amounts for specific areas of the world in which we require you to raise that amount. We want to treat you like adults, knowing that you know best what your/family needs are.”

Does your organization require you to attend meetings?

“Ripe for Harvest does not require you to attend organizational meetings.”

Does your organization have restrictions before allowing you to work outside the U.S.?

“Ripe for Harvest does not have any restrictions from allowing you to minister outside of the U.S.”

Does your organization require you to pay into the organization’s insurance plan?

“Ripe for Harvest is not a large organization, so we allow you to choose your insurance plan that fits your/family’s needs.”

Does your organization require you to leave your location if civil unrest flares up?

“Ripe for Harvest allows you to stay in your ministry location if civil unrest flares up. We leave this decision to our staff to stay or leave. Historically, when our staff does choose to stay, the community they are ministering to recognizes this and is more open to who you are and what you are doing than ever before.”

Does your organization require you to accept their monthly set salary level?

“Ripe for Harvest allows you to determine your financial needs.”

Does your organization require you to attend and pay for orientation before being accepted?

“Ripe for Harvest understands that there may be a financial and time burden to attend an orientation before being accepted. Therefore, we do not have one. However, we do all we can to spend time answering any questions that you may have while getting to know you.

Does your organization require you to attend and pay for training before being released to the field?

“Ripe for Harvest does not have training sessions. We will do our best to help prepare you for where God is sending you.”

Does your organization allow you to freely choose the best methods given the location/culture to help spread the Gospel?

“Ripe for Harvest understands that with you being in the field where God has planted you, you know best how to reach the culture you are working in. Therefore, we do not have a “cookie cutter” approach to presenting the Gospel. We understand cultures are different in countries, so we leave it up to you to determine how best to love on and reach those for Christ.”

Does your organization require you to submit weekly reports?

“Ripe for Harvest’s only requirement is a Quarterly Report found online. This report serves two purposes; it is an IRS/Homeland Security requirement, and it helps our administration staff pray for you and know where you are in case one of your ministry partners contacts us.”

Does your organization require you to attend their conferences?

“Ripe for Harvest does have a bi-annual all-staff conference that we strongly encourage you to attend. We don’t require you to attend, but those that do always come back because of the time of refreshment, relaxation, spiritual encouragement, and just getting to know others better!”

Does your organization require you to be on or join a team?

“Ripe for Harvest does not require you to join or put together a team when going into the field.”

Does your organization allow you to date or marry a non-U.S. citizen?

“Ripe for Harvest does not have a policy against you dating or marrying a non-U.S. citizen. We understand the difficulties of cross-culture marriages and encourage you to get counsel before and during your marriage.”

Does your organization allow you to work with other mission agencies?

“Many times, Ripe for Harvest staff are seconded to other organizations. We do our best to help facilitate this if needed and continue to serve our staff as in the past.”

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